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Saturday, July 14, 2012

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sensitive Sperm

Vitamin C For Sperma
   Some studies showed that supplements containing vitamin C and amino acidscan help improve the quality of the sperma were in proved in a research conducted on 47 men with a sperma less fertile. They were given 3 g of vitamin C and amino acids are able to improve one day.Suplemen sperma count in the body.

Avoid Acting Laptops
   Did you know that sperma is very sensitive to hot doctors recommend that should not be too long soak in hot water, for a spa treatment or acting in a laptopwhile doing the work. Possible for you to be familiar acting laptops when they work, well stop now. Journal of intended research into Human Reproduction in 2004, says a combination of heat produced from the laptop with your hot seat(seating style bridge thigh) will interfere with sperma production.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Do Running 8 Hours A Week

According to a study by Harvard University shows that the former student of 17.000running activities for 8 hours per week could reduce the risk of interferenceprostat.Di say Asian men prostate disorders more than men attacked the West forAsian men higher dietary fat and cholesterol that can lead to prostate enlargement. to avoid this problem, take the time to at least 30 minutes a day for exercise,addition of exercise, increase intake of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Why Do We Need More Drinking Water

  Get enough water so important for the body to function properly.According to the researchers,70 percent(70%)of the human body consists of water and we can only survive about a week without water.

Here is why we need to drink plenty of water.

We Always Left That The Body Is Cold
Sweating is the role in maintaining our body temperature is always cold because the sweat can be a reminder for us to augment drinking water.If you do not have enough water to be issued in the form of sweat,it will result in the decline in the blood and circulation system will also be having problems.Symptoms usually associated with poor circulation,which is incorrect is like dizziness,pain or difficulty breathing.

Collecting Nutrition
Water helps deliver nutrients through the bloodstream to all parts needed by the body.This is because some nutrients are dissolved in water.

Body Care On The Move
If you have water,you may experience constipation,which resulted in difficulty in passing stools.So important to launch the mevement of water because water acts as a 'helper'to soften the dirt.Combined with fiber,water can facilitate the stool is digested and excreted.

Skin CareTo Always See Fine
Skin cells with a sufficient water makes the skin stay health and fine.Instead,while the lack of water,the skin will look tired and dehydrated(dry).Finally,your skin will look dull
and lifeless.

Avoiding Of Rock
Coral rees 'grow' when substances-substances or components of "trash" that goes through the kidneys survive and merge with other waste components.Details such as 'sand' finally formed.If these details can not be removed,sooner or later it will grow to the size of a  'rock'.Therefore,you should drink plenty of water in order to clean up the details-details of the stone.

Most of us are waiting for it to feel thirsty to drink a glass of water.The fact is that early symptoms of dehydration is thirst.Body of water shortage usually begins with a sign-a sign such as dizziness,headaches and pain-pain.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Supplement Will Benefit?

  If we to the supermarket or pharmacy,we will see lots of vitamins and health foods or dietary supplements.Nutritional information printed on the product box enough to make your head swim.What vitamin or mineral listed in boxes that are beneficial to us?
  Several studies showed that cwetain vitamins and minerals can help reduce the risk of heart disease by 30 to 40 percent,but can slow the progression of the disease.Vitamins also help strengthen the immune system and those who take vitamin and mineral believed to have a stronger immune system.If our immune system is week,were are vulnerable to attacks of various diseases from within and outside the body.
  Thus,food intake beneficial to our health.Do you not care about your food and expect supplements do wonder.Health food can help prevent the disease even though you may need 6 month to see its effectiveness.It is not an excuse for not taking it.The earlier you start,the initial effectiveness.
  Another challenge is not help the body start to decline.When age is increasing,the efficiency of our system is no longer like before.For example,we do not have enough stomach acid to help absorb nutrients from food.This means that 40% of the nutrients in food can not be absorbed by deficiencies of vitamins D,B6,B12,riboflavin,folate and calsium.Body's system for storing the nutrients is because the percentage of body fat increases with age.
  Although the metabolism keeps you alive and health,it also produces waste that can be harmful.Free radicals and other material resulting from the process can damage cell DNA metobolisma and lead to many effects of old age.We need antioxidants to protect itself from free radical attack.However,as we grow older,the more difficult for us to acquire them from daily food.Thereby we need to take vitamin and mineral sure to obtain health optimum.
  As a precaution,make sure the amount of vitamins and mineral that are taken do not exceed the prescribed limit.You are advised to ask the doctor a health food thing.This is because there are a number of health food is not suitable for co-medication.
Here are a few tips for you:
  Avoid multi-vitamins with the formula"time release".By the time they fall apart,it may be too far in the stomach where absorption is weak.
  Keep vitamins away from hot and humid.
  Take vitamins with food because of some nutrients need fat to function.Thereby taking it with low-fat foods are the best.
  Check he date"best before".You may save money by buying in large quantities,but actually be detrimental if not completed prior to expiration.
 It you smoke,though not strong,take more vitamins and minerals,especially vitamin C.

Easy Exercise Every Day

 We are already aware of the exercise.By exercising,you can burn calories better and make yourself more healthy.However,do you fell do not have enough time to exercise every day?It is actually not as difficult as you imagine.What did you try the tips below.
  Waking up 30 minutes early,take a deep breath.Taste for God's blessing around you.Walk on in you home environment to enjoy the serenity of the morning air.In addition you can do some stretching activities.
  You car is dirty?Do not continue to take it to the stop,clean your own car.This is not only health bodies but also can save money!
  If you live condominiums or apartments,of course you use the elevator to get to your home.What did you change this situation.
  Use the star.You do not have a ladder up completely but you can lift only halfway.This is a good exercise for the heart,burn calories and build muscle.
  Put the car in place quite far from the place to destination.This will cause you to walk to get to the destination.In this way,you have to do a little exercise.
  Do not just sit around all the time in the office.You can walk around the building where you work during lunch or rest breaks.This will help burn calories than if you sit alone snack.
  While you're at home,play to your hearts content with your childrenor your pets.This also is one way to remove sweat.
  Before and after it,carry your baby,do not use the"stroller".This wil not only help you burn calories,but will also bridge the love you are with.
  You can also do gardening at home.Plant it flowers you like.Or,you can also grow vegetable,salads or fruit.You not only can feed resulfs,but you also will become more healthy.
  Cycling if you want to go to your friends house(for the area near your home).You not only can enjoy the fresh air all around,but can produce sweat.Do this activity in the afternoon.Certainly interesting,is not it?
  While watching TV,you do not nesessarily fixated on the screen only while enjoying snacks.It should be noted,snacks will increase your risk for the disease.Instead,you can do your homework as sweeping trash,wash the floor or wash the furniture in you house.
  Practice can clean wimdow,carpets,living room and so also helps you burn calories.Therefore,do practice every day.
  You can also cook at home.To mix bread dough,for example,do yourself by hand,do not use the mixer.
  You will not only provide a clean and healthy food for your family,even the taste of food and of couse more to suit your taste.Of course you will be satisfied when received praise from family members later.
  Plan your weekend activities with family.Not nesessarily go to the beach or out for a walk,but you can do something at home like cleaning the house with your family members.Of course thrilled with this activity,in addition to stress thr importance of hygiene to the children.This would definitely strengthen the relationship between your family members.
  If you have exercise equipment at home,do not wait any longer!You can read while reading exercises using these exercises.In certainly makes you more relaxed.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Food Enzymes Cerna

  Taking fruits and vegetables is important to increase the supply of enzymes.
  Every people have experienced constpation,bloating,excess acid and water retention during or after a meal.Why not study the source of the problem,among other,according to nutritionists associated with digestive enzymes.
  The body naturally produce 3,000 different types of enzymes.Important catalyst for this protein for every metabolic process in the body.Enzymes produced in the liver and stored in the main glands.We can also increase the supply of the enzymes through proper food selection.
 Enzymes can also be found naturally in food whether fruits,vegetables or meat.However,the research found that heating food above 118*F can destroy  enzymes.Similarly,food that contain chemicals or other pesticides were sprayed with chemicals fertilizers is disturbing enzymatic activity in plants.
  From time to time,consumption of food sources no longer contain the enzyme can cause problem to our health.Due to lack of digestive enzymes in the body,stock or storage of natural enzymes needed to treat difficulties in digesting the food we eat.
  Dr.Edward Howell,author of Enzymen Nutrition clicking on the'bank account of enzymes in the body increasingly scarce or declined due to aging factor and methods of food preparation.Decline'account'that he said were due to alcohol,drugs,insufficient sleep and lack of water to stimulate the production of enzymens.
  Dr.Howell believes that,all factors that also contribute to other problem such as diabetes,colon cancer,mental stress,skin diseases and liver failure.
  Colon specialist,Dr.Hiromi Shinya in his book The Enzymen Factor Stressed the protein is not digested in dairy product,fast food and red meat as a source of 'food'bacteria'bad'until then produced a toxin that affect the blood vessels.Toxin will contaminate the liver,kidney and heart when the body needs the enzymes stored in there to digest food.
  Dr.Howell concluded that taking digestive enzymes can improve digestion and weight control.It also helps to overcome health problems including asthma,allergies,skin disease and arthritis.Taking digestive enzymes to improve blood sugar levels and reduce the use of insulin.
  He also suggested that intake of fruit and vegetables to stimulate enzymes in the body in addition to help digestion,it also preserves the supply of enzymes to'work'another.
  Research shows that taking enzymes on an empty stomach can increase the'enzyme bank account'because the body converts to metabolic enzymes digestive enzymes.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Due To Too Stressful

  Conditions or time cause stress that often occur regularly.This can not be avoided
because of the lifestyle of the modern world with this fast-paced.
  Do you know about the various effects of stress on our system?It can damage some of the system.Stress could weaken our bodies to the point where the immune system in despair.
  From just reading this information on its own,it is important for us to take a stand.Make a decision to do whatever he can to minimize the adverse effects of stress.Stress can kill,so do not let it kill you or your loved ones.Individuals who suffer from stress are lost of energy needed for daily life.If this happens,it can still negative attitudes in their lives.Depression will occur and cause a negative impact on individual lives.
  Failure to manage stress can also result in adverse effects on health.Normally the immune system to defend the body from disease.However,stress can weaken the immune system.If this happens,the individual may be more susceptible to deadly diseases like cancer and heart problem.At the same time,if he is faced with health problems,it can exacerbate the condition.
  Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world.Part of the symptom or sign of heart disease is associated with stress.A sudden increase in blood pressure and continuous pulse is one of the signs.Based on these facts,it is important for someone to to something if they find themselves not able to cope with stress.They need to solve the problem as soon as possible to avoid becoming victims of stress that can kill.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Good Exercise For The Heart And Stomach Muscles

  Exercise is recognized as benefits.There are various tyess of exercises can be done at home or in the office if know the right way.
  For example,exercise for heart health and strengthens the abdominal muscles.It can be done anywhere but require desk,wall or object that can back up stand firm to avoid any possibility of injury during exercise.
   Practice exercises,if done daily will give you the good and the results for those too lazy to exercise.Just set the same time as other exercises of 10 minutes,three times a day compared to the normal regime of exercise 30 minutes.
  Take time to 10 minutes during their break time or meal and before going home.If you are at home,doing exercises such as cooking or watching television,according to their convenience.
  Not only take into account heart health and beauty,belly,the arms should also be kept intact to relieve or reduce the strain especially for those who are active or work with hand energy.
  It can be done anywhere no matter when waiting for the elevator,public transport or in the office to relieve fatigue.
  Ned only a short time of five or 10 minutes every day and see what happens when the shoulder and hand feel relieved.
  For those who are still looking for appropriate exercises,follow a few simple steps to be done at home as shown above.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

How To Remove Wrinkles On The Face

  How are usually very afraid of old age is quite old.Especially in the face,because the face is the part that is the focus of one's opinion.How to get rid of wrinkles that comes familiarized herself on your face?Actually not difficult to get rid of wrinkles on the face as long as you're good to do it.Take a carrot.Grated to pieces and then take a tablespoon of flour and one egg yolk.Combine all ingredients and stir until well blended.Apply in a wrinkled it.Let stand for 20 minutes,then washed with clean water.Always done and you look radiant and wrinkles that made its debut that will disappear.

Friday, March 30, 2012

6 Guidelines To Prevent Knee Injuries

  The following describes some of the reason why the occurrence of injury to the knee,so that preventive measures should be taken to avoid it.
There are 6 reason for a knee injury,namely:
1.Ignoring knee pain-usually if a little knee pain or"not bad",we often ignore the health examination the knee.
2.Excessive weight-weight should be reduced because of excessive weight to the burden on our knee.
3.Always absent knee pain rehabilitation program and not enough rest.This is nesessary to prevent the occurrence of knee pain in the near future.
4.Ignoring knee ligament injury(ACL-anterior cruciate ligament)-knee ligaments should be taken seriously so as not to cause injury to theknee.
5.Advance for the exercise or other activities that cause knee injuries,including tendon and knee pain.
6.Ignoring the muscles around the knee,especially for muscle and elastic(flexible).This muscle condition makes them vulnerable to injury in the knee.Thus,if the exercise,choose the appropriate exercises according to our ability.

8 Causes Of Heart So Damaged

1.Sleeping to late as a result of any activity&then wake up too early is the most important causes of liver.
2.To control his bladder in the morning that is the best wake up.
3.Eating too much or eat too mary simple said.
4.Taking too many drugs,especially for the long term.
5.Ignoring breakfast.See,how breakfast act-not just to pad your stomach or as a mechanism that can help reduce weight,but also a crucial element in maintaning heart health.So do not leave the breakfast.
6.Eating too much preservatives,additives,colorants&artificial sweetener.
7.Using poor quality cooking oils.If possible select the best cooking oil high-quality identified.However,better still if the oil can be reduced.Avoid fried foods if they are in fatigue,or pain,but your body really has proved to be health.
8.Reduce eating raw food,raw food provides for greater burden on the liver to function.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Effects Of Toxins In The Body

  Toxins in the human body caused by contamination of food due to widespread use of chemicals such as pesticides,insecticides and chemical fertilizers for agriculture.Health becomes more severe when people take foods that contain preservatives,artificial flavors,additives and so is the main source of toxins in the body occurs.This is why there many diseases such as tumors,cancer,migraine and others.
  Facts of various cases of the disease found that almost 90% the cause of disease is caused by toxins.In the physiological systems of the body,when one is sick,the body is working to eliminate waste,mucus and toxins that prevent body.Toxins function inside the blood vessels will be carried to various parts of the organ and causing damage.
  In reality,too acidic foods such as meat,refined foods such as rice,bread,sugar,sweets,greasy fried foods,excessive protein and other factor that contribute to health problem.In addition,foods that contain chemicals such as preservatives,colorings and flavorings,antibiotics,pesticides and others.
  If the body is to acidic and fermentation occurs in the intestine would increase the toxins in our bodies.Toxins will be absorbed and stuck in the blood that causes many health problems or illnesses.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weigh Control Morning Bath

  Here are about a tips that may be practiced by all people who want to keep your weight and health.This tip is obtained from reading or hearing the results last year,I've forgotten the original source where I get these tips.But certainly it from reliable sources.This tip is easy to do,and perhaps some of us who have done so because of employment and so forth.
  What we need to do is to shower in the morning and wash with tap water of natural temperature,not the hot water bath and so on.Water temperature in the morning quite cold and the cold will prevent the formation of excess fat.What i can think of,because usually if they fell cold,your body react to heat up again,therefore,excess fat will be used as often we still do not eat in the morning when we bath.
  This simple activity we sometimes do not realize it can help us maintain our health,hopefully these tips can help those in need.I just share to the benefit of us all,the religion of islam,before our morning prayers,we can take a bath first,because I know,there is also a prayer by simply washing the face and continue to perform ablution.Maybe we can change our daily routine with a bath first.

Our Daily Eating Habits

  If offen have to share about eating habits,today i want to share their food habits can help us to get good health.What is important is that we actually need to be moderate in whatever we do,as well as nutrition.We need mederation,here is the concept of moderation in all that we eat,not excessive,since each of the exses would be harmful.
  Among the tips that we can observe,before we eat,we drink a bit too far in advance bitter,as examples of chinese tea or green tea,do not include sugar in the drink,This habit will help the digestive process occurs more perfect(this information is referred from one article in a magazine not long ago-I forget the name of the magazine I).
  Then do not drink when we eat,this will cause your body will be weak because of the way our food is less accurate.Preferably drink 20 minutes after eating(this info obtained from a health speaker a few year ago)but most of us are eating out,to wait for a period of time,may take some time.Quite simple we drink after we finished our meal.
  Many also igrone the order because of food trying to lose weight and so forth.Better still,we need to eat every time we eat atbthe proper time.For example,many do not take
breakfast when breakfast is important for us to get the initial energy and indirectly will improve our metabolism.Regular eating habits will help us to control body weight without the hassle taking the pill and so forth.What is important is that we need to watch what we eat and not eat right.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sleep Disorders

Sleep is an invaluable gift from God who created day and night.It is controlled naturally by the brain called the suprachiasmatic nuclei(SCN)through a process of sleep-wake cycle(circadian rhythm).
It work through the stimulus of sunlight coming through the pupil.This cyles causes the rate of mentally ready to function optimally during the next 24 hours.
Normally we fell so frest at 9 to 11 am and 9 to 11 nights and hard to sleep at the time.
But at about 3 to 5 am and 3 to 5 pm,we found that our eyes are felling very sleepy.
This is why the accident occurred more frequently late at night and early morning.
Individuals who experience sleep disturbances(insomnia)usually can not sleep well despite being given enough time.
Some also could not sleep,causing fatigue,headaches,feelings of irritability and affect the cognitive ability to perform daily tasks the next day.
Common sleep disorders among 30 to 50 percent of the human population with the most common cause is stress.
Sources of stress can be caused by various factor such as heavy workload,a broken heart,family or financial problems and exams.
Concerns may also cause excessive sleepines despite regular people sleep well the night before.
Sleep disturbances occur in three stage:
1.The problem started sleeping.
2.Problem often wakes up a night.
3.Bedtime problem is too short when they wake up too early than usual and can not connect back to sleep.
Sleep disorders caused by stress will be lost if the cause can be solved.
If stress can not be addressed,it can caused depression as the third stage of disruption.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Women And Hymen

Hymen or the hymen is a fold of the mucous membranes that cover the door genitals(vaginal introits)women.Typically rounded shape of the pores as the vagina,but some ar are like the crescent moon(semilunar form),but some have a septum(dividing).
Hole hymen is still intact(not torn)are generally only experienced by little finger.In infants,the hymen tent to be large and thick.But getting the baby grows,the network will hymen thin,wide and open.
However,there are also some women are born without a hymen.
The thickness of the hymen is different each individual.Some are thin,some are thick and cover the entire opening of the vagina to make it difficult menstrual blood production.In this situation there are times when medical assistance is needed to make the opening(incision)for menstrual blood flow.
There are various forms of hymen.Some are like the petals of flowers,there is a ring,there is a hole or two,there is a hole lot and even some women the hymen is not there since birth.
Usually only the torn hymen during the entry of the erect penis during intercourse.Howewer,the structure can be injured by exercise or outdoor activities.Therefore,the hymen does not exist or is not accurate measure for determining a women's virginity.
It can be torn,either intentionally or unintentionally,especially if had sexual intercourse before marriage.One thing to note is that the hymen can be torn even without sexual intercourse.
If the hymen was torn,which is due to sexual intercourse or injured trom a fall,etc,the hymen is still there but no longer intact or perhaps it holds back.But if a women has given birth to a child then the membrane will lose their virginity.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Smoking is good for health?

JAKARTA-The practice of smoking is not harmful to human body but it may be more healthy body,according to evidence a number of Indonesia experts to the country's Constitutional Court.
Brawijaya University molecular biologist,Sutiman Bambang Sumitro said,smoking can be a medium for energy transfer can be beneficial to human physiology.
According to him,through knowledge,no material considered toxic can be removed and used as medicine.
He was testifying in a court review of the nasional Health Law in which several experts called to testify about the effects of smoking on human health.
The review was undertaken at the request of a member of Parliament who is also Indonesia tobacco plantation owners,Bambang Sukarno,who stressed the law designate tobacco as an addictive substance in conflict with the constitution.
Pharmacy lecturer at the same university,Aris Widodo also support the use of smoking tobacco by telling the court can reduce stress and its impact not as bad as thought.

Friday, March 23, 2012


A brief introduction about what is heart disease.Before that,some information about the heart and its functions.
Human heart is composed of fiber-specific muscle fiber that function to pump blood.When the heart muscle not getting enough blood supply,it can be said to be surffering from a heart disease.Among the causes that causes the problem of blood supply to the heart muscle that is not enough,it is because blood vessels become narrow due to the inner wall of blood vessels filled with fat especially the"cholesterol".
A heart attack is described as severe pain in the chest lasting until half an hour,which run towards the left arm and jaw.Patiends usually have difficulty in breathing and excessive fear.The real reason that caused this pain is the death of heart muscle caused by blockage of blood vessels are divided.Larger blood verssels are blocked,a heart is more dangerous.
If blood vessels are completely closed ,a portion of heart muscle will be damaged.After that,a huge chest pain will occur.This condition,called"heart atack".It this occurs,seek immediate triament of heart desease.